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The Cultural Curriculum Project is the result of fun and games between a mother and son. One particular spring was filled with Bingo...Car Bingo, Consonants Bingo, Scratch-off Bingo. Then came the dream. A young boy shared his dream of playing Jazz Fest Bingo and winning with horse. Both responded with " Let's make a Jazz Fest Bingo card". This fun and engaging game turned out to be an opportunity to connect with family, friends, and New Orleans culture.
Field Trips began as an interest by the mom to add content to the boy's school field trips. Naturally it started with a bingo card that created opportunities to engage with the New Orleans community and its' culture bearers in a meaningful, educational, and fun way. Connecting with community, building sustainable experiences, educating one other. BINGO!
The excitement of creating meaningful engagements for the boy's class, the joy of hearing a young student shout out "That was a fun field trip!" inspired more field trips. There was a challenge. Funding. Real, sustainable, valuable connections requires funding. Now the mother's 30 years of experience in creating and coordinating events in New Orleans provides uniquely engaging group tours that fund school field trips.
Leslie Compton Johnson jokingly refers to herself as a naturalized New Orleanian. She has 30 years experience designing, budgeting, and coordinating events and cultural experiences in New Orleans for such organizations as New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, Pete Fountain Productions/Bravo Special Events, and HBO'S Treme. In addition, she connects with community through volunteering. She has served on boards and committees for Parenting Center at Children's Hospital, NORDC, Rally for New Orleans Public Schools and more.
The more he engages, the more he grows. He's building his own personal connection with the community and culture. The experience is magnified when he's with classmates and friends. He is an active participant in development and testing of our custom curated field trips and tours.
Dad does not like to be left out. Therefore, he helps out by providing critical street patrol on field trips and assistance as needed.